Easily one of my favorite things about this line of work is the incredible range of collaborations that it allows for. My work has grown tremendously through collaborations, and I always look forward to conversations with new collaborators. Here are some things that I’m currently involved in (listed by order of soonest approaching deadline) and would be happy to speak further about:
Together with Jiya Pandya and Tanushree Sarkar, I am co-editing a special issue of Disability Studies Quarterly. Titled “Peripheral Crip Critique,” our special issue focuses on disability and crip theory in the Global South/Majority World. We are accepting abstracts until February 15th, 2025. The full call for papers, including information on what abstract submissions should respond to, can be found here. If you have any questions about submitting, please do not hesitate to write to us at
I am the Managing Editor of Platypus, an interdisciplinary science studies blog. We warmly welcome interdisciplinary writing and multimodal content on science and technology studies. If you have an idea that you’d like to explore or an interest that you think would be a particularly good fit for the blog, please feel free to write to
Other selected recent collaborations:
Together with Dashiel Carrera, Rachel Levine, Manveer Kalirai, Daniel Wigdor, Ishtiaque Ahmed, and Robert Soden, I co-organized a workshop with artists and authors on perceiving Large Language Models (LLMs) through creative metaphors. (Un)Agented Submissions: Shutting Up the Chat Metaphor for Large Language Models took place on December 7 & 8, 2024, in Toronto. If you are interested in future collaborations on this topic, get in touch at
At the 2023 Madison South Asia Conference, Michele Friedner and I co-organized a symposium on South Asian disability futures.
I also co-organized and moderated a roundtable on reading and writing disability in South Asia at Madison.